
Scanlan &

Fey for



Welcome fellow Randolph Democrats! 

Whether you are new to Randolph or wish to connect with fellow Democrats in our community, let us introduce you to the Randolph Democratic Committee.

The Randolph Democratic Committee seeks to:

  • Advance the interests, causes, and ideals of a progressive, democratic philosophy at the Municipal, County, State, and Federal levels

  • Identify, promote, and support Democratic candidates for local, county, and statewide, and federal elected positions

  • Inform Randolph voters of upcoming elections and promote voter turnout for our candidates

  • Advocate for our constituents at township council and committee meetings.

Our committee meets monthly - please join us - all are welcome! Check the EVENTS page for the meeting schedule.

Did you know that there are more registered Democrats in Randolph than Republicans? Yet, our Randolph Township Council does not have a single Democratic representative.  We need to elevate our voices, secure representation on the Council and committees, and VOTE!

Want to stay informed of the latest elections & how you can get involved?